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How To Stop Buying Useless Stuffs And Be MoneyWise

We earn money to spend. We all spend on basic needs including food, clothing and shelter. And we spend money on something that has a good reason to be done including entertainment and some comfort

If you have kids, there are unavoidable expenses on education too. Understandably, these expenses are certain to happen.
But what about that large amount of money we spend on useless stuff? I mean, stuff that we do not really need or just cannot use for any reason?

Surely, you will find lots of such useless stuff lying around the house.

This brings us to the question, why we spend money on useless stuff. There are more than two, but not a lot of answers. Possibly, one of them may help identify why you spend money on useless stuff.

1. Anxiety(Fear and Stress) and Depression.


Anxiety and depression are one of the main reasons why millions of people across the globe suffer from something called Compulsive Buying.
Psychiatric research conclusively prove, people suffering from Major Depressive Episodes (MDE) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) are prone to buying useless things.
A strong link also exists between substance abuse- alcohol, narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or even food and Compulsive Buying, say psychiatric studies.
The reason: Shopping communicates quick pleasure. It tends to raise a person's mood. And they are willing to do anything, including spending a lot of money money they can ill afford, for this sense of well-being.
If you suffer from (related to behaviors that a person cannot stop) Buying, it is best to talk to a mind doctor. Looking (for) professional help may cost. Yet, it can help prevent your (related to managing money) ruin.

2. Buying To Impress

A lot of us buy useless stuff to impress people. This is complete waste of very valuable money. Instead of spending a lot of money on items we do not require, the money can be well used by investing in savings or retirement plans.
Unfortunately, it is poorer people that suffer from this type of spending on useless stuff. It makes them feel they too can afford stuff that richer people have.

Such type of competition and buying stuff to impress others is surprisingly useless. There are no promises that something will definitely happen or that something will definitely work as described, you will find acceptance among the richer crowd.

Also, you may end up as laughing stock among peers and others for spending on useless stuff. A lot of such stuff needs maintenance too.

Remember, buying is a one-off expense but maintaining something, including an expensive dress, is a repeating cost that eats into your finances.

Instead of buying stuff to impress people, invest your money in excellent savings big plans/layouts/dishonest plans and plans. Such investments will impress others more because they see you are making the money work and grow.

3. Credit Cards

Credit cards be one of the biggest culprit. They make us spend money on useless stuff. The reason is very simple. When you spend on credit card, the pain of paying cash is clearly absent.
Also, you have that comfort of paying later or in sections. While credit cards are excellent if we use them cautiously and wisely, they can be a cause of extreme annoyance for those given to uncontrolled buying.

Usually, people with credit cards tend to buy more during sales and discount offers or try newer, expensive stuff they really do not need. The result: such stuff usually ends up being hardly used.

Failure to pay on time attracts Average Purchase Rate (APR) or a type of interest that can run as high as 32 percent of your bill, when it piles up.

So, you are not only spending money on useless stuff, you also pay a price for the stupidity.
Think twice before using a credit card. In fact, think three-times if you have real/honest need for a credit card. Think about/believe all the bills that will land on your doorstep. Try calculate the APR you would end up paying when you buy useless stuff.


Even if you can afford, keeping useless stuff proves big (and awkward). (usually/ in a common and regular way), useless stuff ends up in three ways: rots somewhere at home or workplace, sells for a much lower price or ends up in trashcan.
At best, you may donate it to some generous kindness/organization that helps people where it may find some use. Even though there is the existence of, you would still have to spend money on carrying it to their reasons for doing or saying something.

In any case, the above reasons why we spend money on useless stuff will help you cut shopping costs and save for better future. These ways to stop spending on useless stuff are time tested and proven worldwide. Use them if you are likely to experience/likely to get spend on useless stuff.

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